Council for Ethics and Responsibility begins work
The new commission of the University Alliance Ruhr deals with overarching issues and weighs up fundamental questions.

News from materials science: Surprise at the grain boundary
A research team led by Prof. Christian Liebscher has published an article in “Science” on changes in the structure of grain boundaries in titanium.

PostdocLab groups at the College for Social Sciences and Humanities start work on projects
The working groups pursue research projects on current topics and developments in the social sciences and humanities.

UA Ruhr Action Days against Anti-Semitism and Racism
Vom 28. Oktober bis 15. November bieten die drei UA Ruhr-Universitäten mehr als zwei Dutzend Veranstaltungen an.

Joint UA Ruhr training program on research data management
The new offer aims to support the 14,000 researchers at the UA Ruhr in managing their research data in the most efficient way possible.

First joint UA Ruhr appointment: Prof. Wang comes from Stanford to the Ruhr region
Top researcher Prof. Dr. Xijie Wang has taken up his professorship for ultrafast electron diffraction at two universities in the University Alliance…

Research Professor Tahani Nadim Investigates Memory Cultures in Digital Transformation
With Tahani Nadim, Ruhr University Bochum and the College for Social Sciences and Humanities have gained a versed sociologist of science with a strong…

International Advisory Board Visits the Ruhr Area
The International Advisory Board of the UA Ruhr has now met for the first time in presence and visited the UA Ruhr universities.

Success for drug researchers at the UA Ruhr
Prof. Dr. Daniel Rauh and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bauer have out-licensed a substance against the cancer “gastrointestinal stromal tumor”.