Research Academy Ruhr

Research Academy Ruhr is the cross-university platform for promoting early career researchers within the University Alliance Ruhr. Joint programs for interdisciplinary qualification and networking support researchers along their career paths within academia and beyond.

Research Academy Ruhr

The UA Ruhr universities have combined their career development services under the umbrella of the Research Academy Ruhr since 2017. Approximately 10,000 academics are benefitting from one of the best performing and largest platforms of this kind in Germany. The Science Career Net Ruhr, which had been established in 2009, was its predecessor.

The Research Academy Ruhr provides support for academics at various career stages – from doctoral studies through the postdoc phase to their first professorship.

Doctoral students and prospective doctoral candidates

The Research Academy Ruhr offers multi-day academies, workshops and career events that provide doctoral students and prospective doctoral candidates with valuable input to help them successfully organize their doctoral studies, advance their skills and find out about potential career paths.

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Postdoctoral researchers

Once you have successfully completed your doctoral degree, it is time to set the course for your further career in academic research or beyond. The Research Academy Ruhr offers workshops as well as career and networking events that enable you to expand your scholarly profile.

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Junior faculty

Our offers for junior faculty are intended for all postdoctoral academics who conduct research independently and strive to obtain a professorship or already hold such a position. They provide networking opportunities with researchers from the other UA Ruhr universities.

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Women in academia with mentoring³

Since 2005, the mentoring³ program has been providing career development support for female researchers from all disciplines represented within the UA Ruhr. There are program lines for doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and habilitation candidates.

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International researchers

International researchers benefit from the unique array of academic opportunities at the UA Ruhr. Numerous research training groups and joint research centers and projects make up an excellent environment for top-level international research. Every year, the Research Academy Ruhr offers the Research Explorer Ruhr summer school for postdoctoral researchers so they can get an impression of our research landscape.

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Rar Portrait Kirstin Schreiber C Fabian Strauch

Dr. Kirstin Schreiber
Coordination Research Academy Ruhr
Ruhr University Bochum
FNO 01/136
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Phone: +49 (0)234/32-29239

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