

UA Ruhr News Center

25. 09. 2023

STEM Academy Studybridge 2023

MINT Academy at its core

The MINT Academy of the Studienbrücke programme took place again this year at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum after a break due to the pandemic. It is considered an important step in the Studienbrücke study preparation programme, which is aimed at international prospective students who want to study in Germany. The 28 participants came from 7 different cooperation countries of the programme and were invited to the RUB for one week from 31.07 to 06.08.2023.
The MINT Academy offers the students the possibility of study orientation in the MINT field. During the week, they attend a specialist language course and have the unique opportunity to familiarise themselves with the specific specialist language. Outside of the daily lessons, they visit various science faculties that offer lectures, tours of laboratories and experiments. For example, this year participants went on interactive tours of the laboratories of the physics, biology, and engineering faculties, where they were able to talk to current students and professors and ask them questions.

Visits to the partner universities

The MINT Academy 2023 was organised and led by the Ruhr University Bochum. However, participants were also invited to the partner universities, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Technical University of Dortmund. At the campus in Essen, the STEM Academy visited the Centre for Nanotechnology, including lectures on the study programmes and tours of the laboratories. At TU Dortmund, the participants spent the day in a school laboratory of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), where they were able to carry out varied experiments on various STEM topics, such as weightlessness, materials, programming and 3D printing, with the help of accompanying staff.

Meeting with the alumni

In connection with the technical part, the participants also had a chance to learn more about studying in Germany from the alumni of the Studienbrücke. Alumni from the universities of the Ruhr University Alliance were invited to a joint dinner with the participants at the Qwest at the Ruhr University Bochum, where they got comprehensive ideas about future studies from the experiences and stories of the alumni.


In addition, the whole week was accompanied by a variety of excursions and activities. The participants had a guided tour through the botanical garden of the RUB, a short trip to the planetarium and got to know the campus through a campus rally. Apart from the excursions to Dortmund and Essen, there was also time for a short trip to Cologne for the whole day.