MERCUR Club 2024 - 15 Years of Cross-University Research Funding in the Ruhr Region
- UA Ruhr
- Research

Among the guests were scientists funded by MERCUR, the current and former rectors of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr), representatives of the Mercator Foundation, former MERCUR Director Prof. Dr. Winfried Schulze and numerous members of the scientific community from the region.
After a champagne reception, the band Wildes Holz opened with an impressive performance that foreshadowed the virtuosity of the evening. Prof. Christina Elmer from the Technical University of Dortmund then welcomed the guests and gave an entertaining introduction to the varied program.
At the beginning, two speeches highlighted the success story and significance of MERCUR. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert, Chairman of the MERCUR Advisory Board, praised the high quality of the projects funded by MERCUR. He emphasized the central role of the initiative in strengthening the Ruhr science region and highlighted how MERCUR supports scientists in carrying out innovative and forward-looking research.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Prenzel, former Chairman of the German Council of Science and Humanities, then presented the results of his comprehensive assessment of MERCUR. His analysis showed impressively that MERCUR has significantly strengthened the strategic cooperation between the Technical University of Dortmund, Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen. This pooling of research capacities has not only led to increased international visibility for the Ruhr University Alliance, but also to a new basis of trust between the universities. Prof. Prenzel particularly emphasized the "seed money" function and the "catalyst effects" of MERCUR funding. These enabled promising project ideas to be developed and innovative research approaches to be successfully implemented. As a result, pioneering projects were initiated that had an impact far beyond the region.
Special highlights of the evening were the presentations of outstanding projects funded by MERCUR. Four scientists impressively demonstrated how support from MERCUR has enabled innovative research work:
- Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith-Newen presented the "RESOLV" Cluster of Excellence, which has produced groundbreaking findings in the field of solvent research.
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidel presented the Research Training Group "Regional Disparities and Economic Policy", which deals with the analysis of regional disparities and their economic policy implications.
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Sures used the "REASONS" excellence project to show how interdisciplinary research provides new insights into sustainability research.
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler presented the "School of International and Intercultural Communication (SIIC)", which serves as an international network for the promotion of intercultural media research.
These impressive contributions illustrated not only the diversity and excellence of the projects funded by MERCUR, but also the lasting impetus they provide for the Ruhr science region.
Another highlight was the panel discussion with the UA Ruhr rectors: Prof. Dr. Barbara Albert (University of Duisburg-Essen), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Martin Paul (Ruhr University Bochum) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer (Technical University of Dortmund). Together they discussed the future role of MERCUR in the Ruhr science region. Although funding from the Mercator Foundation will end in 2024, the universities agreed to integrate MERCUR into the UA Ruhr and continue its successful work.
A successful conclusion to a special evening
The closing address of the MERCUR Club 2024 was given by Dr. Wolfgang Rohe, Managing Director of Stiftung Mercator. He paid tribute to the outstanding achievements of Winfried Schulze, the former Director of MERCUR, who was instrumental in setting up and developing this important funding initiative. His work laid the foundation for the successful work of MERCUR.
The band Wildes Holz created an upbeat and lively atmosphere, delighting the audience with their musical program. Their performances were a perfect complement to the scientific highlights of the evening.
As always, the dinner that followed gave guests the opportunity to engage in personal discussions in a relaxed atmosphere and share their impressions of the evening.
The MERCUR Club 2024 impressively demonstrated how the University Alliance Ruhr and MERCUR have sustainably strengthened the Ruhr science region under the motto "Better together". With inspiring presentations, lively discussions and personal encounters, the event not only offered a look back at 15 years of successful funding work, but also a hopeful outlook for the continuation of MERCUR within the UA Ruhr. The MERCUR success story will thus continue.